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drawInVrCompComponentVR Component ( Null = Use Mouse Input )
unitInternalFunctions.UnitsUnit’s Enum { Millimetre, centimeter, meter, inch, foot, yard, custom }
customUnitMultiplierfloatIf Unit = Custom, this number will multipliy to default unit
customUnitNamestringIf Unit = Custom, Name of custom unit
showUnitAfterNumberboolShow short form of the unit name after dimension’s number in runtime
numberOfDecimalinternalFuncs.numberOfDecimalDecimal Enum { none, one, two, three, four, five, six }
cameraTransformTransformCamera based texts using this transform
rendererCameraCameraRayCasts using this camera (normally its same as camera transform)
mainLineMaterialMaterialMaterial of the “mainLine” (line between two arrows in dimensions)
secondaryLinesMaterialMaterialMaterial of secondary lines in “Linear” and “Aligned” dimensions
arrowMaterialMaterialMaterial of Arrows in “PointToPoint”, “Linear” and “Aligned” dimensions
arcMaterialMaterialMaterial of indicator arc of “Angle” dimension
areaSurfaceMaterialMaterialMaterial of “Area” measure’s surface
areaBorderMaterialMaterialMaterial of “Area” measure’s border
arrowPrefabGameObjectArrow Prefab for “PointToPoint”, “Linear” & “Aligned” dimensions
areaHandlesPrefabGameObjectIt will attach to every corners of “Area” measure
alignedDimFreeModeDirPointerGameObjectDirection pointer object appears when creating free “aligned” dimension
alignedDimFreeModePlanePrefabGameObjectDirection plane object appears when creating free “aligned” dimension
planePrefabScaleMultiplierfloatScale direction plane to mouse position multiplier. Zero = turnOf
areaHandlesScalefloatScale of areaHandlesPrefab
pointerScalefloatScale of alignedDimFreeModeDirPointer
isDynamicboolIf true, start and end of dimension will follow the “hit point” transform
linesThicknessfloatThickness of the “mainLine”(line between two arrows)
textSizefloatThe size of number’s text (it’s based on “textMeshPro” font size)
textOffsetfloatOffset between “main line” and number’s text
arrowHeightfloatCoefficient of arrow size. final size depends on “arrowPrefab” scale
measurementDirectionFuncs.MeasurementDirectionDirection of “Linear” dimension (multiply direction to “offsetDistance”)
offsetDirectionFuncs.OffsetDirectionDirection of offset in the “Linear” dimension
measurementPlaneFuncs.MeasurementPlaneMeasurement plane for “Aligned” dimensions - { XZ, XY, ZY, Free }
reverseDirectionboolFlip “Aligned” dimensions in cross vector of the measurement plane
offsetDistancefloatLength of “secondary lines”
secondaryLinesThicknessfloatThickness of “secondary lines”
secondaryLinesExtendfloatLength of “extends” in secondary lines
autoTextPositionboolChange number’s position if distance was too short and number can’t fit
flipTextPositionboolIf “AutoTextPosition” was true, mirror text position
angleMeasurmentPlaneFuncs.AngleMeasurmentPlaneMeasurement plane of “Angle” dimension - { XZ, XY, ZY, Free }
arcScalefloatScale of the plane that carries the dimension arc
angleDimTextOffsetFromCenterfloatDistance of number from the center of the angle dimension
angleDimHitNormalOffsetfloatOffset to normal direction of the first hit point to avoid ZFighting
textOffsetWhenNotFitVector2When angle is too short, this is offset of new position
areaMeasurementPlaneFuncs.MeasurementPlaneMeasurement plane of “Area” measure - { XZ, XY, ZY, Free }
enableAreaBorderLineboolShow border line
areaLocalYOffsetfloatOffset in local Y direction to avoid Z-fighting
areaTextLocalYOffsetfloatSpace between number’s text and area surface
areaBorderLocalYOffsetfloatSpace between border and area surface
areaBorderLineThicknessfloatThickness of the border line mesh
areaNumberPositionOffsetVector22d offset of number position
numberColorColorColor of “textMeshPro” that generates the number
mainColorColorColor of line between arrows in “PointToPoint”, “Linear” & “Aligned” dims
secondaryColorColorColor of guiding lines of “Linear” & “Aligned” dimension
arrowColorColorColor of arrows in “PointToPoint”, “Linear” & “Aligned” dimensions
arcColorColorColor of indicator arc of “Angle” dimension
areaBorderColorColorColor of border of “Area” measure
areaSurfaceColorColorColor of surface of “Area” measure
hoveredTintColorLerp this color to colors of “hovered” dimension
selectedTintColorLerp this color to colors of “selected” dimensions
hoveredOnSelectedTintColorLerp this color to colors of “hovered dimensions” if it was selected
hitNormalOffsetfloatOffset to normal direction of first hit point to avoid ZFighting
textTowardsCameraOffsetfloatOffset the number towards the camera to avoid intersection
onSelectionChangedUnityEvent<List<GameObject>>Events added here will trigger when selection changes (Mouse & VR)
onHoveredUnityEvent<GameObject>Events added here will trigger when hovers on a dimension (Mouse & VR)
pointAVector3Initial Position of the first hitPoint
pointBVector3Initial Position of the second hitPoin
isCreatingboolThis bool turns true while creation process otherwise is false
DimensionsListList<GameObject>List of dimensions created from this EzDimStarter component
SelectionListList<GameObject>List of selected dimensions that created from this EzDimStarter component
oldHoveredGoGameObjectList hovered dimension
hitRaycastHitraycast hit (feed by mouse or VR)
isOldSelectionListEmptyboolThis bool returns true if selection list was empty
planePrefabGameObjectPlane Prefab that shows when creating aligned dimension in free mode
createDimensionCortCoroutineCoroutine for creation process
CreatePointToPointDimension()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating PointToPointDimension .
CreateLinearDimension()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating LinearDimension .
CreateAlignedDimension()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating AlignedDimension .
CreateAngleDimension()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating AngleDimension .
CreateAreaMeasure()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating AreaMeasure .
EzPointToPointDimension()MethodCall this void to create PointToPointDimension when using mouse input
EzLinearDimension()MethodCall this void to create LinearDimension when using mouse input
EzAlignedDimension()MethodCall this void to create AlignedDimension when using mouse input
EzAngledDimension()MethodCall this void to create AngleDimension when using mouse input
EzAreaMeasure()MethodCall this void to create AreaMeasure when using mouse input
HideSelectedDimensions()MethodCall this void to hide selected dimensions when using mouse or VR input
UnhideAll()MethodCall this void to unhide all dimensions when using mouse or VR input
DeleteSelectedDimensions()MethodCall this void to delete selected dimensions when using mouse or VR input
UpdateAll()MethodCall this void to update all dimensions when using mouse or VR input